Sunday, July 27, 2014

FREE Back to School Tips & Tricks

The return back to school is right around the corner.  Mandy from Mandys Tips 4 Teachers decided to host a Back to School blog hop. In celebration of this blog hop I will be providing 2 back to school tips and 1 FREE math activity for Back to School.

Spare Pencil Cup-  All of us have students that lose their pencils and need a replacement pencil during the height of instructional time. Consider having a cup that always contains freshly sharpened pencils, whether they are used or new.  Students that borrow pencils from the Spare Pencil Cup should be expected to return them after use.

Centers on the Go- Buying plastic bins for centers can be costly.  Instead purchase large zip lock bags or large envelopes and label the center.  When labeling centers include the title, clear directions, objectives and/or I can statements.  Also be sure to include the targeted grade level standards.

Mystery Numbers Booklet-  Looking for an engaging math activity for the first week of school?  Sometimes students have a negative perception of math.  This activity uses numbers in a fun way!  It is a great getting to know you activity that uses numbers in real life situations.  Try using the Mystery Numbers Booklet activity to start the school year off right.

Follow the steps below:
  • Download the FREE Mystery Numbers Activity link.
  • Select a cover and make double sided copies of the cover and the clues sheet to form a booklet.
  • Level 1 (Grades Kdg. - 1) - Show students the questions provided in the free Mystery Numbers packet.  You can also create your own questions for students to answers.  Students write the questions inside their booklets and write the number answers on the cover.
  • Level 2 (Grades 2-5) - Allow the students to create their own clues. Students record the 4 clues inside the booklet and the 4 numbers on the outside of the booklet. You can differentiate this activity by allowing some students to record only 2 or 3 clues, if necessary.
  • Allow the students to present their clues to a partner or to the entire class by reading them out loud while displaying the cover.  
  • Allow the audience to guess which clues match particular numbers.
  • Repeat the process as necessary. 
 Mystery Number Booklet

For more math tips, please join me on Facebook, Pinterest, or my TpT store .

For more star ideas more than 40 different bloggers, please browse through the link-up below and choose a topic that interests you.  Thanks for visiting.



  1. Love the mystery number booklet. Looks like something great to do the first week of school in math for my Second Graders. I am participating in this blog hop too and am so glad to find your blog. I am your newest follower.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mrs. Goodwin. Second grade is a wonderful grade to teach. I hope this activity is helpful.

  2. Love the Mystery Numbers! Looks like a fun way to get the kids thinking about numbers!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  3. I use envelopes to store my station activities too. So much easier for storing too!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  4. I store a lot of my stations in a 2 pocket folder. They are often a penny each during back to school time at Staples. I am a huge fan of having a giant cup of sharpened pencils. I always make sure I am not wasting instructional time having kids look for pencils.

    The Math Maniac

    1. Tara you are on it. Thanks for sharing the information about savings at Staples.

  5. Love the freebie! I’m sharing this post on my #TrendingInMath feature tomorrow! :)

  6. Thanks so much for sharing your Mystery Number Booklet! I have enjoyed browsing through your blog and look forward to future posts!


    1. Thank you for stopping by Sarah. I hope that the mystery number booklet will be a helpful activity. Feel free to share it with others that you believe will like it.

  7. My favorite part of the booklet is the different types of children. How unique!
    What is a Mathematics endorsement program?
    It's got to be cool to have 2 educators in the house. At least you understand each other! Ha!

    1. I am glad that you like the different types of children on the cover. The math endorsement is a Kdg - 5th grade program in Georgia. It provides speciality training in all of the math domains (number sense, geometry, etc). The course is about 1.5 years and it is a great add on to my certificate. I believe they offer some variation of the program in other states.

      You are right about having 2 educators in the house!!
